
Dr Peter Hampson

Childhood eye disease: keratoconus and juvenile glaucoma

In this video, Dr Peter Hampson outlines two conditions that optometrists can detect in children - keratoconus and juvenile glaucoma. It is worth refreshing your knowledge and keeping these conditions in mind because The AOP has seen an increase in complaints in this area, and there is potential for real harm if these diseases go unnoticed. After the video, participants will answer 6 MCQs before being directed to a discussion about the topics on LinkedIn.

Infection control and prevention: 2021 update

An updated and expanded Infection control and prevention CET exam for 2021: In this lecture, Dr Peter Hampson explains how to protect staff and patients in practice as the pandemic continues. He shares current knowledge on how the virus is transmitted and how best to clean and disinfect. He presents the evidence about testing, vaccinations, air filters, temperature checks and social distancing

Myopia management – balancing the possible and impossible

In this lecture, Dr Nicola Logan will outline the evidence base and discuss the current and emerging options available for practitioners to offer to patients with progressing myopia. Dr Peter Hampson will then follow to discuss the steps that practitioners should take to ensure they manage the expectations of parents and patients and take a robust approach to consent and record keeping
