
“Out with the old, in with the new”

Spring symbolises new beginnings. From an office spring clean to our first education day dedicated to myopia, OT  shares more.


The act of a spring clean may fill you with joy or perhaps the complete opposite. I’m somewhere in the middle. Whatever emotions the thought of a deep clean evokes, I think one thing most of us can agree on is the delight in discovering something you had completely forgotten you owned.

The OT team recently decided to take on this challenge. After returning to the office a few months ago, with a workspace filled with remnants of 2020, a spring clean was certainly overdue.

In the depths of the building’s basement, we discovered some wonderful publications, from wartime records to old optical journals.

One book I personally enjoyed reading was Vision: The popular magazine about the eyes, volumes 1– 4 (1947-1950). For me it provided an interesting glimpse into the past and how far optics has come. The book contains articles about the typical things you might expect, from general eye care to photographs of 1950s-style frames and some beautifully detailed illustrations.

One article that caught my attention, Television and the eyes, reported on how “television continues to bring patients to their opticians complaining that their eyes ache after prolonged viewing.” The article acknowledged that “television in itself is not harmful to the eyes, but prolonged viewing, particularly under unfavourable conditions, is bound to cause trouble.”

It was interesting to read the popularist thought and sentiment attached to television and vision at the time. Maybe some parallels could be drawn to our current discussion on use of digital devices, but I’ll leave you to make your own conclusions.

Dusting off these treasures from the past, these books will find a new home in our office library for all to enjoy. Is there anything you’ve found or discovered from a recent spring clean?

Some of you may have already completed this task or maybe it’s in motion or still on your to-do list. Whatever stage you’re at, perhaps now is the time to shake off your dusters, don some marigolds and get sorting.

If a spring clean isn’t at the top of your priority list, this is an ideal month to brush up on your education and CPD with the launch of OT’s MAYopia Day.

In partnership with the AOP and headline sponsored by CooperVision, the day will host a series of education sessions focused on myopia management. MAYopia Day, a date to note down in your calendar, will be held online on Sunday 22 May between 9.30am – 4.30pm, and all sessions will offer interactive CPD points.

By now, most of you will have read predictions that myopia is on the rise and that 50% of the world’s population will be myopic by 2050, according to research by the World Health Organisation.

OT clinical editor and AOP head of education, Dr Ian Beasley, emphasises why it’s important to stay up to date with the latest developments in myopia.

“In recent years, myopia has become an area of practice where clinicians have the opportunity to not only correct, but also influence the progression of myopia and improve clinical outcomes for their patients,” he said.

“With a rapidly changing evidence base and an ever-growing portfolio of clinical solutions available, it is important that practitioners are updated on the latest developments in the field and incorporate myopia management tools within their skillset.”

From practitioners new to myopia management to the more experienced, there will be something on offer for all levels of knowledge. Five webinars will be delivered on the day and AOP members are invited to attend the full programme or individual webinars. To secure a place book in advance on the AOP website. 

OT’s MAYopia Day takes place just before Myopia Awareness Week which the Brien Holden Vision Institute (BHVI) has announced will take place from 23 to 28 May with the theme ‘Make your eye moves’ focusing on encouraging activities that promote eye health, this week.

This month, CooperVision is also supporting practitioners with myopia management. The contact lens company has launched a downloadable myopia action plan, designed to support practitioners in offering or introducing myopia management into their practice. Optometrist and CooperVision’s head of professional services for the UK and Ireland, Christina Olner, spoke to us exclusively about the resource.

Are you planning to use the coming weeks to raise awareness of myopia amongst your community? If yes, the OT team would love to hear what you have planned. Get in touch with us via email.
