
When Xmas chic meets chintz

What kind of Christmas look are you planning to rock?


I will confess that I am of the 'Have my cake and eat it' school of thought. This means drawing inspiration from those oh-so cool Scandinavians with their tasteful natural tree decorations, and flickering candles for that Hygge effect. Oh, and a glass of glogg.

And yet, is it really Christmas without Slade blaring out of the radio? And I’m sure at some point I will be spotted eating Matchmakers while wearing a Santa's elf hat.

While working on the upcoming January edition of OT, which is on the topic of eyewear design, I am reminded that the question of 'What looks good?' is always a subjective matter.

Speaking to a range of international designers, the inspiration for their designs too can come from the most improbable and personal of places.

However, there are some objective rules that are at the core of good, successful design, Gunnar Gunnarsson, of California-based Allied Metals Works told me. “Less is more…I am a big fan of innovating with things we know work, like stainless steel for its strength and flexibility.”

Here at the AOP office, we are embracing the festive spirit tomorrow for Save the Children and will be donning our best/worst Christmas jumpers. We promise to share pictures of the results and let you decide on matters of fashion taste. 

If you or the practice team is raising money for a charity over the festive period, please do email your story to [email protected] – we'd love to hear from you.

Image credit: Alexas_Fotos/11579 images
