
MAYopia Day - Session 2 - Webinar: Evidence-based myopia management practice



Where: online

Interactive CPD points: 1

Prices from: Free to members; non-members £25 inc. VAT Book or join now to attend this event Interactive CPD points approved: 1

Optometry Today (OT), in partnership with the AOP and CooperVision as headline sponsor, are pleased to host a day of myopia-themed education.

The event offers a full day of online sessions delivered by experts from the UK and further afield providing key insights on the contemporary management of myopia in clinical practice.

The programme has seven live webinars, each offering one interactive CPD point. Delegates are invited to attend the full programme or choose individual sessions based upon their clinical interests.

Please note: You will not be eligible for CPD if you dial in to audio only using a phone

Session 1: The return of the myope - Book now
Session 2: Evidence-based myopia management practice - Book below
Session 3: Communication as a tool for success in myopia management - Book now
Session 4: Assessing efficacy in myopia control - Book now
Session 5: Putting myopia management into practice - Book now
Session 6: Ortho-k fitting in the cloud - Book now
Session 7: Seeing eye to eye – understanding public knowledge and interest in myopia - Book now

Webinar: Evidence-based myopia management practice

A range of interventions aimed at slowing myopia progression in children are now available in the UK market. However, for the optometrist it can be challenging to know how these interventions compare. The first step is consideration of the evidence supporting their use in clinical practice.

This session will delve into the critical aspects of establishing an appropriate evidence base for interventions aimed at myopia control. It will explore various factors essential for understanding and evaluating the efficacy of interventions designed to manage myopia. Attendees will gain insights into the significance of robust clinical trials, longitudinal studies, and meta-analyses in shaping evidence-based practices for myopia control.

The session will also highlight the importance of considering diverse methodologies, sample sizes, and statistical analyses in interpreting research findings accurately. In addition, discussions will extend to the relevance of evidence synthesis from both randomised controlled trials and real-world clinical settings, emphasising the need for comprehensive evidence to guide effective interventions for myopia control. This presentation aims to guide eye care professionals in navigating the evidence behind new and emerging strategies for myopia management for enhanced patient care.  

Learning outcomes 

  • Practitioners will be able to communicate effectively with patients and their parents about myopia management options using an evidence-based approach 
  • Practitioners will be able to compare and contrast different interventions for myopia management using an evidence-based approach. 

10.15AM - 11.15AM

  • 1 point

    Webinar: Evidence-based myopia management practice

    CPD ref no: C-108334


    Practitioner type:


Professor Nicola Logan

Nicola LoganNicola is professor of optometry and director of research for the Optometry and Vision Science Research Group, School of Optometry at Aston University.

Nicola’s research interests are the epidemiology of refractive error, mechanisms underlying the development of myopia and myopia control. Her current research projects include clinical trials in myopia control, mechanisms underlying myopia development and risk factors for progression of myopia in children.

Nicola leads an active myopia clinic at Aston University, and collaborates with other researchers as part of the Myopia Consortium UK and internationally as a taskforce chair for the International Myopia Institute.

Prices from: Free to members; non-members £25 inc. VAT Book or join now to attend this event Interactive CPD points approved: 1