
Voice of Optometry insight surveys

Our insight surveys give a collective voice to the profession

In our member benefits research, members told us that 'Creating visibility of eye health and optometrists in the media and among the public' was in their top three priorities for the AOP, and we have ambitious objectives to ensure we sustain and grow our work in this area.

The Voice of Optometry insight surveys support these objectives by enabling us to generate news and features on issues that are important to the profession, using the opinions and expertise of our members.

Why should you take part in our surveys?

Taking part in our Voice of Optometry insight survey offers members the opportunity to share their thoughts, opinions and experiences on important eye health topics.

The survey results are used to support the profession by raising awareness of eye health and the issues impacting optometry.

We use the statistics in a number of ways, including:

  • Promoting advice and educational messages around optometry and eye health
  • To provide statistical evidence on issues affecting the profession
  • Creating national and regional media stories for broadcast, print and online media outlets
  • To achieve media coverage in local press through region specific data

What's involved?

Members are asked to answer online surveys during the year. Each survey will usually focus on just one topic and take no more than five minutes to complete. Once the results are ready, we’ll keep you updated on how we are using your answers to promote the profession and the issues you care about.

Who can take part?

Our surveys are open to all practising members who are qualified, UK based and work at least part time. As an AOP member who meets the criteria, you automatically become enrolled to take part in our annual Voice of Optometry survey, but you have the opportunity to opt-out should you choose to.

Who runs the Voice of Optometry survey?

The AOP manages the survey from start to finish – from setting up to analysing results so your personal data is held by us and will not be shared with anyone else. You can be assured that your participation will be treated in confidence and your views will always be reported on a general, rather than individual level. The survey is emailed from our Survey Monkey account directly to your inbox with a unique link.

What else can I do to support the AOP's media work?

As well as statistics from our member survey, our media work depends on interesting case studies, which add a vital human element to our messages. We'll ask you in the Voice of Optometry survey to share any relevant patient case studies you may have, but you can also email [email protected] if you're aware of any patients who are willing to talk about their experiences.

How to find out more

Read about our campaigns or visit our Your voice in the media page.

For more information about our Voice of Optometry surveys contact the communications team on 020 7549 2063 or email [email protected]

How to unsubscribe

To unsubscribe from the Voice of Optometry survey visit MyAOP/ MyEmail and de-select the ‘Voice of Optometry’ option. Alternatively, please contact the membership team on 020 7549 2010 or email [email protected].

Please note, if you unsubscribe while a survey is taking place you may still receive a few reminders for that survey but you won’t in future years.