The Eyes Have It coalition
About The Eyes Have It coalition of leading eye health organisations and its aims for patient eye care
The Eyes Have It (TEHI) partnership is a coalition of national organisations campaigning to champion the importance of eye health and help improve the lives of patients with deteriorating eye conditions.
TEHI aims to raise awareness of issues such as delayed referrals, service capacity, a shortage of clinical specialists and the emotional impact of delays to treatment.
The coalition calls for the Government to develop and implement a national strategy for eye care which maximises on the existing capacity in primary and secondary eye care to ensure patients with eye conditions receive the care they deserve.
The national strategy should include:
- Establishing leadership and accountability to transform eye care services
- Prioritising eye health within the NHS for recovery and transformation
- Investing in data and digital transformation, the ophthalmology workforce and future research.
The organisations that form the coalition are:
- The Association of Optometrists
- Fight for Sight
- Macular Society
- Royal National Institute of Blind People
- The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- Roche.