
Vision for driving

The AOP calls on the optical industry to support its Don’t swerve a sight test campaign

Don't swerve a sight test

The AOP's Don’t swerve a sight test campaign achieved 159 broadcast hits, reaching over 111 million listeners when it launched on 14 November.

The BBC Breakfast and BBC News programmes reached a combined total of over 2.5 million people during their morning broadcasts.

It was also covered by national newspapers, such as The Telegraph and The Times, online by BBC News, Huffington Post and Yahoo!, and on the radio by Sky News and LBC.

The campaign called for a change in the law that would mean drivers are required to prove that their vision meets the legal standards every 10 years.

It was established following AOP research, which revealed that one in three optometrists have seen a patient in the last month who had vision below the legal standards and continued to drive against advice. 

The research also found that 91% of practising optometrists believe that the current sight requirements for a driving licence are insufficient.

The AOP warned that changes in sight can be gradual and people may not realise that their vision has deteriorated over time. 

Currently, drivers undergo a number plate test when taking a driving exam, and then must self-declare when renewing their licences thereafter. The AOP highlighted that this means a 17-year-old may pass the number plate test and then receive no further checks for the rest of their life. 

A Freedom of Information Act request to the Drive & Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) revealed that over 10,000 UK motorists had their licences revoked in 2016 due to poor sight.

It also believed by 38% of UK adults that current laws on sight requirements for drivers should be more rigorous. 

Visit the AOP website to find out more information.
