
Practice team digest

The key ingredients for a happy team

OT  shares top tips from optometrist and wellness expert Sheena Tanna-Shah, who advises on how to build a happy and high performing team

Pixabay/Hugo Hercer

According to 2022 research by PR agency Lem-uhn, internet searches for ‘how to be happy at work’ have increased by 105% in the past three years. Considering that over the course of a year, the average full-time employee will spend around 1800 hours at work, and happiness levels and performance output are linked, it is important that wellbeing in the workplace is addressed.

So how can practice managers and owners build happy, healthy and high performing teams? OT asked optometrist Sheena Tanna-Shah, who has ventured out of the testing room to become a wellbeing coach, for her thoughts.

Sheena’s tip tips

  1. Communication
  2. Validation
  3. Team bonding. 

wellbeing  sheena tannashah

One of the key things that ensures everyone is working together, receiving support through any changes in practice, and understanding the daily and future goals of the business, is communication.

While ensuring there is strong team communication so that everyone is working together as one is important, regular one-to-one communication is also vital. Every person is different, and it is important to get to know them individually so you can discuss strengths, as well as any areas they may need support and development on. Some people may have more confidence in certain areas than others, some may feel they aren’t being heard, and some may be going through personal issues. It’s important to actively listen, talk, and support each member of the team. It is also just as important that the team feels they can approach their practice owner and manager with any concerns, worries, or feedback. To be productive and successful, open communication is essential.

It’s important to actively listen, talk, and support each member of the team



Validation can play a huge role in boosting confidence and motivation, and in giving a sense of purpose and accomplishment. A thank you at the end of each day sounds simple but can go a long way – it makes individuals feel seen and heard. Celebrating individual achievements is crucial – whether someone has completed certain training, demonstrated great customer service, supported another colleague or gone the extra mile. This could also be celebrating good teamwork if you’ve had a good day or week with treats, coffees or a big well done, for example. The power of words is huge, and letting people know that they make a difference and are valued can have a long-lasting impact. Ensure each member of the team feels valued and that there are no ’favourites.’ If there is a lack in contribution from certain individuals, then communication is essential rather than making them feel undervalued.

Team bonding

Doing things together as a team outside of work can really build a team by getting to know each other in a different setting. Getting to know someone outside of the role they play at work matters because it shows a different sense of care. What are people’s hobbies, interest, likes and dislikes? There may not always be time at work to have long conversations, or time to really get to know an individual, but organising a fun work event can bring people closer together. Whether you organise a meal out, go bowling, do a team sport or host a charity event together, it’s the perfect opportunity to bond. It can also be enjoyable working on themes within the practice too, whether you organise a coffee morning to fundraise or run activities on eye-related awareness days, this can bring out the team’s creativity in a different way.

There may not always be time at work to have long conversations, or time to really get to know an individual, but organising a fun work event can bring people closer together

