
Edmonds & Slatter helps Chernobyl children

Staff at the Glenfield site ran sight tests for 13 children visiting from Chernobyl

Edmonds & Slatter staff help Chernobyl children

Staff at the Glenfield branch of Edmonds & Slatter in Leicester ran an extra sight test clinic for 13 children visiting from Chernobyl.

The sight tests, which were arranged by the Friends of Chernobyl’s Children charity, was part of a four-week recuperative visit to the UK that will help build up the children’s immune systems.

The children, who live in Belarus where the radioactive contamination from the 1986 nuclear disaster still affects the atmosphere, are not expected to live past 40 years old. One month in the UK can extend their lifespan by up to two years.

Only three sets of spectacles were required for the children, who otherwise had a clean bill of optical health.

Assistant manager at Edmonds & Slatter, Carol Barker, said: “All British children enjoy the privilege of a free eye test from the NHS, but as these children were visitors we were happy to donate our time and testing skills free of charge.”

Goody bags with toys and sweets were also provided to the visiting children.