
Get the look

Iconic eyewear

Optometrist and lifestyle blogger, Lizzy Yeowart, selects striking styles inspired by iconic figures and unpicks a sunglass frame

Vintage camera
Pexels/Alex Andrews

Three sun styles worn by three female style icons.

A classic icon

The ‘Manhattan’ is an exact replica of the iconic sunglasses worn by Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Originally designed by Oliver Goldsmith, this frame has gone on to inspire countless interpretations.

Manhattan by Oliver Goldsmith
‘Manhattan’ by Oliver Goldsmith

Royal inspiration

Referring to our late majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, this eyewear proudly recalls the frame worn by the Queen in the 70s and 80s.

Elizabeth by Francois Pinton
‘Elizabeth’ by François Pinton

Catwalk vintage

This cool take on a vintage cat’s eye style is reminiscent of one Grace Kelly wore in the famous beach scene in To Catch a Thief.

Athenaby Aspinal of London
‘Athena’ by Aspinal of London

Anatomy of frame

Unpicking a standout frame, by OT columnist Lizzy Yeowart

anatomy of a frame

In a nutshell

  • Manufacturer// Götti
  • Frame // ‘Essex’
  • Colour // Ruby
  • Web // 

