
Online locum day – Session 5: Multimodal retinal imaging 1.0 - a beginner's guide for locums



Interactive CPD points: 1

OT logoOptometry Today (OT) in partnership with the AOP with Johnson & Johnson Vision as headline sponsor and supported by Boots Opticians are pleased to deliver our first online locum day event.

This event offers a day of online education tailored to the needs of locum optometrists. Each session will be delivered by an expert in the field on a range of key topics of value to practitioners engaged in locum work.

The programme has five live webinars, each offering one interactive CPD point. Delegates are invited to attend the full programme or choose individual sessions based upon their clinical interests.

Session one: Master your record keeping - Book now
Session two: Confidence with comfort- Book now
Session three: Navigating challenging conversations at work - Book now
Session four: A survivor’s guide to orthoptics for the busy locum optometrist - Book now 
Session five: Multimodal retinal imaging 1.0 - a beginner's guide for locums - Book now below

Session five: Multimodal retinal imaging 1.0 - a beginner's guide for locums

This lecture will provide an opportunity for locums to understand how the growing use of multimodal ultra-widefield retinal imaging in daily optometric practice can help them to provide a higher level of patient care and how the additional information provided by ultra-widefield and OCT might influence their clinical decision making. Methods to capture retinal scans will be outline with the help and advice of an experienced ultra-widefield user. Delegates will learn how colour and autofluorescence images of the retina are captured, and crucially, understand the physiology behind different imaging modalities and how to interpret an image to assist in diagnosis and management of a range of retinal diseases. The session will also discuss the benefits of looking beyond the posterior pole and why optometrists should examine and document the retinal periphery. Communication with the patient will also be considered.

Learning outcomes

  • Practitioners will be able to discuss multimodal retinal imaging outcomes with patients
  • Practitioners will develop skills to recognise peripheral retinal abnormalities using multimodal imaging

2.45PM - 3.45PM

  • 1 point

    Webinar: Multimodal retinal imaging 1.0 - a beginner's guide for locums

    CPD ref no: C-105637


    Practitioner type:


Morven Campbell

Morven CampbellMorven Campbell is an optometrist and dispensing optician with over 25 years of experience looking after patients and their families. As the owner of Iris Blue Optical, it is her personal mission to ensure that the clinical care patients receive is of the highest quality, whatever their needs.

Throughout her career in the wider Glasgow area, she has diagnosed, supported and managed a wide variety of patients with numerous complex eye conditions. As technology in optometry has developed over the years, Morven has always been an early adopter of advanced imaging technology. Her knowledge and expertise are such that she is regularly invited to train fellow practitioners throughout the UK.

She lectures and demonstrates on advanced imaging techniques, including ultra-widefield and 3D OCT scanning. You may even have heard Morven on 'Ask the Optometrist' on the Kaye Adams show on BBC Radio Scotland. While she is passionate about all aspects of optometry, she particularly enjoys children's eye care, contact lens work, managing complex eye conditions, and the exciting new area of myopia control.

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