
A bright start

Making sight tests a back to school essential

A bright start

As the new school term kicks off we’re reminding members of the public to ensure their children return to the classroom with the right prescription this year.

Our recent Voice of Optometry insight panel demonstrated that many children continue to miss out on the right vision correction, with the majority of member respondents reporting that at least one in five school children tested had an undiagnosed vision problem. This echoes recent figures from Eye Health UK, which estimate 1.6 million children in the UK have uncorrected vision.

In our latest press release  we’re highlighting the benefits of sight tests for children and the positive impact the right pair of spectacles can have. We’ve also produced a new patient blog, as part of the campaign, in which Ian Beasley describes how even the youngest child can benefit from a trip to their optometrist.

AOP members can find more resources for highlighting the importance of back to school sight tests in our for patients section, including information leaflets for parents.