
AOP joins forces on environmental sustainability

Joint statement of intent released by optical bodies

We’ve joined forces with others in the optical sector to release a joint statement of intent on environmental sustainability.

The joint working group, representing practitioners, practice owners and suppliers, have come together to tackle challenges in the industry and share knowledge to create long-term solutions.

Speaking about the collaboration, Chief Executive, Adam Sampson, said: “All aspects of the industry must do their part to take vital action on environmental sustainability. We’re pleased to be part of this group and to be looking at the critical steps to reduce waste and improve sustainability to support our members, and the wider profession, to set and reach tangible goals.”

The joint statement of intent sets out:

The top sustainability priorities for the optical sector are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to reduce waste and develop sustainable ways of practice.

Optical bodies will join together to help inform, educate and support their members, and review their own activities, in order to stimulate rigorous and immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the optical sector in line with the current UK commitment of 78% by 2035 (compared to 1990).

We will also develop targets to reduce waste, develop sustainable ways of practice, and deliver a healthier, fairer zero carbon world.