
AOP responds on the future of education

Submission to the GOC’s Education Strategic Review

GOC Education review header

We’ve submitted our response to the GOC's call for evidence for its Education Strategic Review.

We welcomed the GOC’s decision to review how optical education is delivered. The consultation considered the challenges posed to optical professions by growing patient needs, changes in technology and pressures on the health service. We discussed how best to equip students to meet the future needs of patients.

The education review has been a key priority for the sector and for our policy work. A key theme from our response is that education should be delivered in a way that equips students with the knowledge that underpins their ability to adapt to challenges over the course of their career.   

To inform our position and recommendations, we set-up a working group of experts in the field and invited member views via the regional forums of our online community. We’d like to thank all members who contributed.

Visit our Education Strategic Review page for more details and to read our full consultation response.

The GOC has appointed an external agency to analyse responses and a further consultation on the proposed changes is planned for the end of 2017.

Further information on consultations we’ve responded to can be found on our consultations page.