
Survey on digital eye strain launched

A survey developed by Aston University researchers asks optometrists for their approach to diagnosing and managing digital eye strain

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Optometrists are invited to complete an online survey investigating the attitudes of optometrists in the UK and Ireland towards digital eye strain.

An introduction to the online questionnaire by Aston University researchers highlights that the use of digital devices at work and in everyday life has become “ubiquitous,” with some studies indicating that the prevalence of digital eye strain among the population is 50%.

“Optometrists are likely to examine patients with digital eye strain on a daily basis and are well placed to provide professional advice on its management options,” the researchers state.

It is estimated that the survey will take practitioners around 10 minutes to complete.

The confidential questionnaire includes questions about an optometrist’s area of practice, experience and working environment, alongside their approach to diagnosing and managing digital eye strain.