
Vision profile data provides a snapshot of eye health in England

The Office for Health Improvement & Disparities has published a wide range of statistical information relating to eye care in England

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A broad range of statistical information related to eye health has been published on the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities website.

The vision profile data provides comparable indicators of risk factors, healthcare provision and outcomes for vision between different local areas.

Information presented includes vision outpatient attendances, sight loss outcomes and data on procedures performed such as cataract surgery, intravitreal injections and retinal detachment surgery.

The vision profile is based on selected indicators developed for the 2021 Atlas of variation in risk factors and healthcare for vision in England.

The statistics show that there were more than 8.4 million vision outpatient attendances in England in 2022. This is below the level of attendance seen before the COVID-19 pandemic – in 2019, there were 8.9 million vision outpatient attendances.

There were 409,000 admissions to hospital for cataract surgery in England in 2022. This is higher than the pre-pandemic level of hospital admissions for cataract surgery, with 384,000 procedures performed in 2019.

In 2022, there were 22,552 new certifications of vision impairment in England. Of these, 1344 certifications were as a result of diabetic eye disease, 3614 related to glaucoma and 10,865 were linked to age-related macular degeneration.