
Low-concentration atropine reduces incidence of myopia

Two-year results from the Low-Concentration Atropine for Myopia Prevention (LAMP2) trial have been published

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New research has explored the effect of low-concentration atropine eye drops on myopia incidence.

The study, which was published in JAMA, involved the recruitment of 474 non-myopic children between the ages of four and nine.

At the outset of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Eye Centre trial, participants had cycloplegic spherical equivalent between +1.00 D to 0.00 D and astigmatism less than −1.00 D.

The children were randomly assigned to either apply 0.05% atropine, 0.01% atropine or placebo eye drops once nightly in both eyes over the course of two years.

The cumulative incidence of myopia at the end of the trial across the three groups was 28.4%, 45.9% and 53.0% respectively.

The researchers concluded that nightly use of 0.05% atropine eye drops resulted in a significantly lower incidence of myopia compared with placebo, as well as a lower percentage of participants with fast myopic shift after two years.

There was no significant difference between 0.01% atropine and placebo.

The scientists highlighted that further research is needed to replicate the findings, to understand whether the results represent a delay or the prevention of myopia and to assess the long-term safety of atropine eye drops.