
Research explores how spectacles and contact lenses affect the experience of mask wearing

A new study has compared how different forms of refractive correction affect the quality of life of face mask wearers

contact lens

New research published in Contact Lens and Anterior Eye has explored the impact of different forms of refractive correction on the experience of wearing a face mask.

The study involved 30 participants who wore either spectacle lenses or daily disposable contact lenses for a period of two weeks.

Research participants wore a surgical face mask (Type II R) for at least one hour per day on four or more days per week.

At the end of the study period, participants completed questionnaires examining quality of life, face mask usability and ocular symptoms.

While the study found no overall difference in questionnaire scores on quality of life between the two methods of vision correction, some individual question topics reflected better quality of life with contact lenses – such as ‘outdoor activities’ and ‘keeping fit’.

Researchers also observed differences in the face mask usability section of the questionnaire in favour of contact lenses.

Visual symptoms that were more commonly reported by spectacle wearers than those wearing contact lenses included fogging, restricted field of view and peripheral blur.

The scientists highlighted: “Participants reported a range of benefits to the CL/face mask combination for vision-related symptoms, breathing and heat-related symptoms and a number of day-to-day activities including walking, driving and exercising.”