
Brien Holden Vision Institute develops prototype myopia control contact lenses

Researchers report that the lenses slow myopia progression, while maintaining a high level of visual performance


Researchers at the Brien Holden Vision Institute have compared the performance of prototype myopia control contact lenses with two commercial contact lenses used to slow the progression of myopia.

The study, which was published in Clinical Optometryinvolved 30 non-presbyopic contact lens wearers wearing Proclear Multifocal, MiSight and two prototype contact lenses for one week each.

The scientists found that the two commercial myopia control contact lenses provided the best distance visual acuities.

However, subjective measures of visual performance were higher for the prototype lenses.

The study compared clarity of vision, ghosting, vision stability and driving vision, as well as night-time haloes, ocular comfort, and overall vision satisfaction wearing the different lenses.

The authors suggested that factors such as ghosting and haloes, which do not necessarily affect an individual’s ability to read letters in visual acuity tests, may compromise the quality of vision provided through commercial lenses.

Lead study author and senior research optometrist, Jennifer Sha, explained: “Overall, the prototype lenses have demonstrated they can maintain good visual acuity and favourable subjective acceptance, while acting to slow the progression of myopia.”

She added that there were some limitations to the study.

“The participants were aged 18–35 years old and they were chosen because the study focused on wearability and the tasks involved may have been difficult for a young child to comprehend and respond accurately to. Conducting the same study with myopic children would be useful to confirm these results,” Ms Sha emphasised.