

Hakim Group launches inaugural SPA event for independent eye care practitioners

The event allowed optometrists and dispensing opticians a chance to accumulate all their CPD points in one day

Erica Hopwood and Claire Slade present on stage in front of a screen

Hakim Group hosted the much-anticipated Share, Progress, Achieve (SPA) event at the Bolton Whites Hotel on Sunday 10 September.

The pioneering, full-day programme was meticulously designed to offer optometrists and dispensing opticians a golden opportunity to accumulate all their continuing professional development (CPD) points in one transformative day.

Anchored in Hakim Group's ethos of innovation and collaboration, the event boasted dynamic workshops, practical applications for everyday practice, and enlightening discussions, immersing attendees in the latest developments in optometry.

This trailblazing CPD SPA event reinforces Hakim Group's dedication to providing independent eye care professionals with the tools they need to thrive in their practice, offer high quality patient care, and elevate the industry at large.

The programme's speaker line-up was carefully selected from the wellspring of knowledge within the Hakim Group family of independent practices. Distinguished figures such as Professor Nicholas Rumney, Paul Adler, Dr Keyur Patel and Professor Simon Barnard shared their insights spanning various optometry niches.

Moreover, the addition of external experts including Andrew Sanders, Dr Alicia Thompson, and the distinguished Pearse Keane, an ophthalmologist and AI expert, added a multidimensional depth to the discourse.

“SPA CPD is a testament to our commitment towards the continuous advancement of optometry professionals and the optical industry as a whole,” said Claire Slade, head of professional advancement and governance at Hakim Group.

“We wanted to create an environment that encourages learning, sharing, and interaction amongst our peers. Our selection of speakers reflected this goal, offering a perfect blend of practical and visionary perspectives that will both educate and entertain. We designed this forum to foster an atmosphere of learning and reciprocity.”

Attendees left with a panoramic understanding of the present day optometry scene and a sneak peek into the innovations and shifts set to redefine the industry’s horizon. The day offered a harmonious marriage of academic enrichment and networking, with a sprinkling of fun throughout the day.

For more information about Hakim Group, please visit their website.

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