
WCO celebrates myopia management pledge milestone

The WCO has increased its target as more than 50,000 individuals have pledged to adopt myopia management as a standard of care

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Pexels/Markus Spiske

The World Council of Optometry (WCO) has seen more than 50,000 individuals pledge to adopt myopia management as a standard of care.

The Myopia Management Standard of Care Pledge was launched last year.

The pledge has seen 130 global eye care organisations and 50,375 individuals sign up, with pledges spanning 86 countries and all continents.

The WCO introduced a resolution encouraging the adoption of a standard of care for myopia management in 2021.

With 50,000 pledges received, the WCO, in partnership with CooperVision, has set a new goal of reaching 100,000 pledges.

Dr Sandra Block, WCO president-elect, commented: “The response among optometrists, eye health researchers, contact lens marketers and optometry students worldwide to adopt myopia management as the global standard of care has been amazing.”

“Taking the pledge sends a clear message that organisations and practitioners understand the seriousness of myopia as a public health threat and that they are taking active measures to manage that threat,” Block continued.

The pledge page can be found on the WCO website along with myopia management resources.
