
Myopia Profile updates parent-facing resources

The company launched an upgrade of its public website, aiming to provide a one-stop resource that eye care professionals can direct patients towards

child drawing
Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto

Myopia Profile, a company providing myopia management information to eye care professionals, has launched an upgrade of its public-facing My Kids Vision website.

The free resource for parents has been designed as a one-stop and evidence-based site where eye care professionals can refer parents.

Following the update, the Knowledge Center section of the website now holds more than 40 articles explaining myopia, treatment options and children’s vision. This includes age-specific and topic categories.

A new resource has been introduced to the website, offering printable graphics with QR codes linking back to that eye care professionals can share with parents during a consultation.

The website provides a six-question parent survey, as well as advice, on addressing a child’s risk of myopia development or progression. Questions cover genetic risks, environmental factors, and individual risks.

MyKidsVision webpage
The My Kids Vision website has seen a significant update
Myopia Profile was co-founded, and My Kids Vision was developed, by Dr Kate Gifford and Dr Paul Gifford.

Dr Paul Gifford suggested that the newly expanded website aims to help overcome barriers around communicating the messages about myopia.

“Eye care practitioners can now display a webpage or print a QR code sheet for parents to immediately see relevant content on their phone while they are in the office, or to read after the appointment,” he said.

Dr Kate Gifford said: “Communication is arguably the key ingredient in successful myopia management. We developed My Kids Vision as an information tool for eye care professionals to assist parents in understanding myopia and steps to help their children. It is also a powerful public awareness tool, encouraging parents to speak with a professional.”

Several of the key features on the website are available in six languages, while additional languages are in development.