
International Society of Contact Lens Specialists elects president

Perth optometrist Damon Ezekiel becomes the first Australian to lead the organisation


Australian optometrist Damon Ezekiel has been elected president of the International Society of Contact Lens Specialists (ISCLS).

Mr Ezekiel, who is the owner Ezekiel Eyes in Perth, took over the role at the ISCLS’ 46th congress in Washington DC. He said he was humbled to be elected president.

“The ISCLS reflects the best of the best in contact lens practice around the world; these are the men and women who wrote many of the textbooks students now use. They are practitioners who have revolutionised the treatment of eye conditions, and their work has improved the quality of life of thousands of patients over many decades,” Mr Ezekiel emphasised.

At the same congress, Mr Ezekiel and British optometrist, Dr Caroline Burnett-Hodd, were honoured with the Herschel Medal.

The award recognises “outstanding original contributions” to contact lens design techniques.
