
GOC outlines CPD record review process

The optical regulator has published guidance detailing how it will approach the review of registrant CPD records

SP CPD review

The General Optical Council has published a new guide to inform optometrists and dispensing opticians how the optical regulator will approach quality assurance within the new continuing professional development (CPD) scheme.

CPD Record Review: A Guide for Registrants outlines how up to 10% of registrants will have their CPD records reviewed over the course of the three-year cycle.

Those who are selected for review will be contacted by email. The registrant is not usually required to provide further information, with the reviewer assessing a sample of records from the registrant’s MyCPD account.

Once the review is complete, any advice or comments from the reviewer will be shared.

The guide outlines what reviewers are looking for in CPD records, the potential outcomes of a record review, and the next steps for registrants after receiving these outcomes.

The three outcomes following a review are: passed, requires improvement, or serious concerns.

No further action is needed for those who pass the audit. However, those requiring improvement may be subject to a further targeted review of records within the next 12 months.

Depending on the extent of the issues identified in a serious concerns outcome, further steps may need to be taken – including referral to the fitness to practise team.

The guide outlines the steps that can be taken to appeal the outcome of a record review, including initial discussions with the CPD team.

If a resolution is not reached, the registrant can escalate concerns by appealing the outcome through the GOC’s director of regulatory strategy.

The guide notes that although information uploaded to the MyCPD platform, including reflections, are intended for the personal use of the registrant, the reviewer has a duty to act on information that may raise concerns about fitness to practise.

The AOP has confirmed to OT that it is reviewing this element of the guidance and its implications for registrants.

OT approached the GOC for clarification on the fitness to practise ramifications of the CPD Record Review process.

A GOC spokesperson responded: “As the GOC’s recently published guide for registrants on CPD record review explains, the purpose of undertaking reviews is to ensure that registrants are undertaking CPD which aligns with their scope of practice and professional development needs. Registrants should not be concerned if they complete reflections in accordance with our guidance.”

“In line with the outcome of the Williams review, the GOC committed to not using its statutory power to compel registrants to provide reflective data for the purposes of fitness to practise proceedings,” the spokesperson added.