
To be honest

The GOC has published guidance to help registrants meet the professional duty of candour


New guidance will assist registrants wondering what the professional duty of candour means when working in practice.

The General Optical Council (GOC) has released additional information to help registrants meet the optical regulator’s standard relating to the duty of candour.  

The professional obligation requires all those working in healthcare to be open, honest and transparent with patients when things go wrong and a patient has suffered physical or psychological harm or distress, or there might be implications for their future care.

GOC head of education and standards, Marcus Dye, highlighted to OT that while 86% of respondents in a recent registrant survey were confident in their ability to meet new standards of practice, many registrants wanted more guidance on candour.

“Candour is a relatively new concept in healthcare, so it’s not surprising that registrants asked for further help in this area,” he explained.

“This guidance will help to support our registrants and give them extra confidence in applying the standard,” Mr Dye concluded. 
