
Collaborative working is key at the NOC

This year's National Optical Conference took place at In Birmingham last week, welcoming LOCs, commissioners and stakeholders under one roof

Delegates in a lecture at the National Optical Conference 2015

The National Optical Conference (NOC) 2015 took place in Birmingham earlier this month (5–6 November), bringing together local optical committees from across England, as well as commissioners and stakeholders from across the sector.

Kicking off the two-day event was keynote speaker and head of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Professor Carrie MacEwan, who discussed the importance of close collaborative working between acute care and primary care services. The conference went on to cover a range of hot topics, including the delivery of new models of care.

The Local Optical Council Support Unit (LOCSU) also launched its national data repository, which will support services and provide evidence for existing services, and there were ample opportunities for networking.

The NOC will return to Birmingham on 10–11 November 2016.

For more information on the annual conference, see LOCSU's roundup