
Obituary: Wayne Coleman

Wayne Coleman, who worked within optics for almost four decades, has sadly died at the age of 70

Wayne Coleman

OT is sad to report the death of Wayne Coleman at the age of 70.

Wayne, who enjoyed an almost 40-year career in optics, worked at Birmingham Optical Group, and Hanson Instruments.

His former colleague, Chris Tyler, said: “Wayne had countless friends in optics and mentored many who went on to have impressive careers. He was a cheeky chappie who always had a smile on his face, and he will be sorely missed.”

Wayne joined Birmingham Optical Group in 1980 as instrument manager, moving his family from Cardiff to Birmingham when to took up the position. His son Kristen shared: “Wayne worked at Birmingham Optical for over 30 years, and it meant a lot to him. Particularly important were the people and there are many stories about their adventures together.”

In 2012, Coleman joined Hanson Instruments as sales director, where he remained for five year until his retirement in 2017.

Wayne leaves his wife Andrea and children, Ann Marie, Kristen, Amy and Laura, along with six grandchildren.