
OT 's top picks of 2022

From following journeys in myopia management, to publishing more than 40 CPD articles, and covering the National Eye Health Strategy Bill, the OT  team has picked out its top content from the past year


With the year ending, the OT team has taken a look back over content produced throughout 2022.

From interviews, video projects, CPD and more, each member of the OT team has picked out a key project or theme that has stood out to them from the year.

In case you missed it: top picks from OT

Emily McCormick, editor:

OT has continued to support members and subscribers throughout the year with a range of CPD education. This has included over 40 CPD articles, videos and image interpretation exams, as well as the return of our interactive CPD Video offering. By the end of October, 41,240 exams had been taken in 2022. We will close our CPD exams on 28 December at midnight, reopening on 3 January. Until then, visit the CPD section of our website to take an exam.

Lucy Miller, deputy editor:

OT has been very happy to support MP Marsha de Cordova’s National Eye Health Strategy Bill this year, starting with her announcement of the bill at an event in Parliament in November. Watch OT’s video, where she explains why this piece of legislation is vital, here.

Selina Powell, features editor:

This year, I had the privilege of interviewing eye care professionals about their experiences of discrimination for OT’s Time to Speak series. I heard how optometrists were being asked on a daily basis where they are really from, while another optometrist faced harassment and inappropriate touching from patients.

While it was saddening to hear these experiences, the courage and determination of eye care professionals bringing this issue into the spotlight gives me hope that the situation will improve for the next generation of eye care professionals. As researcher, Dr Varo Kirthi, told me, “the only way of reducing bias is to talk about it.”

Leah Boyle, web content and social media manager:

This year OT continued to follow the progress of Villa Vision, a partnership between the Aston Villa Foundation and Aston University, that provides free sight tests to children in Birmingham schools. OT spoke to a number experts involved, optometry students undertaking work placements, and those on the ground delivering the service.

Kimberley Young, senior reporter:

Many eyewear manufacturers have made commitments to improve their environmental credentials – from introducing bio-based materials, to ensuring transparency in the supply chain, and the OT team was fortunate to interview a number of suppliers at 100% Optical 2022, who are all taking steps towards more planet-friendly products. Why not review some of the big stories we saw in this area in 2022?

Laurence Derbyshire, video production editor:

My pick is our video: The first steps in a myopia management journey. This was a fun piece to make, and took a much closer nuts-and-bolts look into optometry, something that I don’t get to cover too often. Both children in the video were very cooperative and up for trying, even while squeamishly attempting to get contact lenses inserted. 

Dr Ian Beasley, head of education and OT clinical editor:

It was exciting to see the launch of The OT Podcast this year, providing a platform to explore topics in depth with experts in the field on key themes such as myopia management. The OT team is looking forward to building upon the series throughout 2023 and beyond. You can catch up on the first episode here or via your usual podcast provider.

Ceri Smith-Jaynes, clinical editor, multimedia, OT:

In 2021 and 2022, the AOP ran a series of peer reviews in which participants were asked to estimate the CD ratio in three case examples. We found a huge variation in responses, so we decided to create an animated skills video, to help people recalibrate. Cup to disc ratio: getting it right takes you through how to measure a CD ratio with a Volk lens and explains the significance of overall disc size in your glaucoma evaluations.

Lead image: a child taking part in a workshop with Villa Vision, a partnership between the Aston Villa Foundation and Villa Vision