
Contact lens guide

The role of the practice team

From diary management to guiding patients through application and removal training, OT  hears how each member of the practice team has a role to play in contact lens success

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When it comes to a streamlined contact lens journey, the role of every practice team member is key. A patient who is identified as suitable for contact lenses in the consulting room can be guided by the practice team, from recommendation to fit.

Team members who complete application and removal training can serve as a consistent point of contact in the first weeks of a contact lens trial.

Preparation also plays a crucial role. Diary management, checking stock levels and sending application and removal information in advance of an appointment can all contribute to an efficient contact lens fit.

OT speaks with optometrists for their tips on championing the skills of the practice team and laying the groundwork for a successful contact lens trial.

Preparation makes perfect

Clinical lead optometrist at Lynne Fernandes Optometrists, Rebecca Donnelly, highlighted the key role that front of house staff play when it comes to contact lenses.

“This is as important as the optometrist’s job. They are the first point of contact for the patient so need to understand the patient’s needs and be able to answer questions the patient may have,” she said.

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Practice team members need to be able to identify patients who may require contact lenses to be ordered in for their trial. Donnelly emphasised the importance of diary management, ensuring that an application and removal session can be booked to coincide directly after the contact lens fitting appointment.

“The practice team is responsible for the contact lens teach so they need to be patient and empathetic, and know about the risks of contact lens wear when advising the patient on care and handling,” she said.

Continuity of care can be supported by practice team members setting up patients on a messaging system to support them during the trial period and checking in with patients by phone.

“This all helps to lead to a pleasant and smooth experience for the patient, a successful trial and future compliance with lenses,” Donnelly emphasised.

Staff are confident on the topic of contact lenses in all settings, from myopia management to straight forward soft lenses

John Davidson, optometrist and director at Querido & Davidson Optometrists

Principal optometrist and director at Querido & Davidson Optometrists, John Davidson, shared that his Hakim Group independent practice always ensures there are staff with the right training to perform an application and removal session on the same day as the fitting.

“We always ensure that we have an up-to-date prescription to work with before commencing a fitting. A contact lens extended trial will last approximately two weeks, so we make sure that we have ordered the correct prescription for their trial period,” he said.

In the patient post eye examination handover, potential fittings are tagged giving the front of house team the opportunity to further explore opportunities for contact lens wear.

Patients who have not previously tried contact lenses will be offered a contact lens experience – giving them the opportunity to see what a lens feels like for an hour.

“This helps break through any psychological comfort barriers that they may have as discussed in the EASE 2009 study,”4 he shared.

Standard operating procedures and training helps to ensure that all team members are comfortable speaking about contact lenses.

“Our team is confident on the topic of contact lenses in all settings, from myopia management to single vision soft lenses,” Davidson highlighted.

Everyone plays a vital role in a perfect contact lens experience

Rebecca Troughton, ophthalmic director of Specsavers Northallerton

Optometrist and ophthalmic director at Specsavers Northallerton, Rebecca Troughton, shared that keeping the whole team engaged in order to champion contact lenses is key to success.

“From call centre to retail team and professionals, everyone plays a vital role in a great contact lens experience,” she said. At Specsavers Northallerton, Troughton shared that the retail team is trained to help patients complete pre-trial questionnaires – which helps to prepare for “first fit success.”

“A dedicated contact lens team looks after trial bank stock and ordering as well as being the main port of call for more complex queries,” she said.

Team members receive training on handling to work alongside a contact lens optician and optometrists, offering access to contact lens care every day of the week.

Training the team

Optometrist Rachael Smith, of Rawlings Opticians, shared that like many businesses following the pandemic, the group of optometry practices was left with a reduced staffing level and has been through a process of recruiting new team members.

Rawlings Opticians is now undertaking a programme of contact lens hygiene and handling training for each patient-facing team member across the group’s 10 branches.

“It has taken time, but we are now well staffed with great teams in each branch, and having this stability is a great foundation to build on,” Smith said.

She shared that within the group’s monthly Direct Debit eye care plan, a free contact lens fitting appointment is included.

“We find this to be a good stimulant for new fits, and an additional good reason to join the plan.”

When a patient books an initial contact lens trial, the front of house team will ask the patient whether they are likely to be interested in a monthly replacement or a daily disposable option so the optometrist or contact lens optician can order the appropriate trial lenses in advance.