
Thea launches TheaLipid

The eye drops have been designed to lubricate and restore the lipid layer, the company explained

A box with yellow and blue colouring displays ‘TheaLipid. Dry eye relief. Restores the natural eye surface.’ To the right stands a small white eye drop bottle with light blue top.

Théa Pharmaceuticals has revealed TheaLipid eye drops as a new product in its range of preservative-free dry eye care.

TheaLipid has been designed to support patients with dry eye disease, meibomian gland dysfunction and blepharitis.

Thea explained that with 86% of dry eye disease cases involving lipid layer disruption, the new eye drops have been shown to restore the lipid layer and provide long-term relief of symptoms such as grittiness, tiredness, redness, watery, streaming eyes and eye irritation, after 14 days of use.

The eye drop features a three-in-one formula of natural soybean phospholipids, medium-chain triglycerides and glycerol.

The combination restores and protects the lipid layer, the company suggests, also controlling tear evaporation and providing relief from dry eye symptoms.

Dr Matthew Olsen, head of UK marketing for Théa Pharmaceuticals, said: “Eye conditions including dry eye disease and meibomian gland dysfunction can be painful and have a huge impact on a patient’s daily life.”

Introducing TheaLipid, Olsen said: “The product’s composition is designed to support patients and alleviate a range of eye conditions and symptoms, which aids us in our efforts in addressing the long-term needs of eye care professionals and patients.”

Patients are recommended to use one to two drops in the morning, and/or, in the evening.

The drops are suitable for contact lens wearers, who are advised to apply the drops 15 minutes before inserting or after removing lenses.
