
100% Optical

Eliminating motion artefacts: Cylite’s Hyperparallel OCT

Cylite chief executive officer, Kylee Hall, and senior product manager, Matthew Wensor, outlined the capabilities of the company’s new OCT

The new Hyperparallel optical coherence tomography (OCT) device from Cylite was on display at 100% Optical (25-27 February).

Cylite chief executive officer, Kylee Hall, shared with OT that the company’s technology is developed and manufactured in Australia.

She explained that Hyperparallel OCT uses a different internal optical system to other OCT devices.

Using micro-optics, the single beam of a scanning laser is broken into 1008 beamlets to capture a single snapshot of the eye, Hall said.

“We eliminate motion artefacts and don’t need to have eye tracking in our product,” she highlighted.

The Hyperparallel OCT can be used for anterior and posterior segment imaging as well as complete corneal topography.

Biometry measurements, including axial length and epithelial maps, can be undertaken with the device.

Hall confirmed that the device will be launched in Australia later in 2023, with a scheduled UK release of early 2024.

“We have come to 100% Optical to show people what is coming and what they can expect,” Hall shared.