

Colorimetry solutions

Practice owner Liz Ellis on a tool with an “outstanding success rate”

Cerium Colorimeter Curvre

The starting point for us was looking for additional services for our patients.

Having seen the Intuitive Colorimeter Curve at a trade exhibition, we were interested in seeing how it could be added to our new reading and vision clinic. We already offered coloured overlay assessment and were experiencing success with it, especially with helping to improve reading skills in children of school age. However, we felt we could do more in this field. Cerium brought along the Curve to the practice, Benjamin Opticians in Skipton, and demonstrated how it would add to our existing overlay service and provide us with the next level of analysis.

The results speak for themselves.

I am not one for exaggerating, and am always sceptical of overstated claims of success, but in this case the colorimeter has proven itself almost every time with marked improvement in reading for almost all patients who have been screened. The success rate has been outstanding.

It is an inexpensive capital purchase with a steady return on investment, the Curve paid for itself very quickly


Colorimetry is not just for our young patients.

In one case that presented recently, a patient of 75 was diagnosed with dyslexia and had heard about our service. After an initial consultation and just one treatment, she showed a 65% increase in her rate of reading.

As part of our practice enhancement programme, we have expanded the business in the past three years.

The Curve was an ideal addition to the practice and allowed us to really shout about the service particularly to families worried about their children’s reading standard. It is an inexpensive capital purchase with a steady return on investment, the Curve paid for itself very quickly. With its sleek design, it sits nicely in our colour-themed colorimetry room.

When the Curve arrived, training seemed a breeze.

It is easy to use – the modern tablet touchscreen interface makes the assessment quick and easy, with results submitted automatically to Cerium for the custom lenses to be made matching the right colour, hue and tint from thousands of combinations. Once the patient has the chosen selection of colour temporarily made up from the supplied lens kit and the reading test is performed again, the results are outstanding. To see the look on the face of the parents says it all – there is a marked improvement immediately. When the lab-made lenses arrive, the patient already knows how good they will be. 

Colorimetry has been a fantastic investment.

The clinical benefits are clear and the business case is sound. It has brought in new patients with reading difficulties, particularly children who come with their parents, many of whom, having seen what we have to offer in the new look practice, have joined us as family patients. Given the results we are achieving with the Curve, I would highly recommend it. 

Liz Ellis using the Intuitive Colorimeter Curve with a patient

Building public awareness

We have found that word has spread about the service we offer,” Liz Ellis explains to OT, “be it online through the likes of the local Mumsnet and Facebook community groups, by word of mouth at the school gates and through the local professional community. Information has been sent to GPs in the area about the service and a mailshot sent to other community groups who come into contact with children and families. We have met with businesses who specialise in child education such as home tutors and dyslexia specialists.”

For further information, visit the Cerium website.  

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