
BlephEx: the patient benefits

Scope Ophthalmics speaks to OT  about its BlephEx tool for treating blepharitis

BlepEx treatment

Scope Ophthalmics’ BlephEx device is designed to help practitioners treat patients with blepharitis, a condition that can cause itchy eyes, redness and inflammation, and dry eye.

Speaking to OT at 100% Optical, Scope Ophthalmics’ business development manager, Nick Bennett, described the treatment as “a deep clean for the eyelids.”

Providing a short demo of the treatment, Mr Bennett explained that the non-invasive treatment takes around 20 minutes, with patients required to return to the practice every three to six months for a follow-up. They will use lid wipes, a heat mask and eye drops between treatments to maintain the health of the eye, he said.

Mr Bennett emphasised that when blepharitis is addressed in the correct way “for some patients, it absolutely changes their lives.”
