

Differentiate your practice and increase revenues

Optos talks to David Gould Opticians about delivering practice efficiency and differentiation

Person counting pennies

The landscape of optometry in the UK is changing. Advancements in technology, such as retinal imaging and optical coherence tomography, provide practitioners with a view of the eye that was, no doubt, once thought to be unimaginable.

This technology is making its way into practices and allowing optometrists to take on a more clinical role and provide enhanced eye care in the community.

Image of the back of the eye

Case study: David Gould Opticians

"Being able to offer patients a comprehensive eye examination using state-of-the-art technology can add huge value to an optometry business"

David Gould founded his optometry business in 2003. Based in Lancashire, he has two optical practices in the county: one in Rawtenstall and the other in Haslingden. The Optos Daytona plus was introduced into David’s business at the beginning of 2018, and he is already appreciating the benefits that it brings.

“We now have the technology to do a really thorough job, and we are much less likely to miss potential eye conditions as we can see so much more of the eye. We are proud to offer a high level of clinical test compared to some other optometrists nationally, and in our local area,” he explains.

Daytona images

Practice selection

David had several factors to consider when choosing which one of his two practices would offer patients a 200-degree single capture digital image of the retina – an optomap® image.

“We ended up installing the technology in the practice that has a higher number of elderly patients because the ultra-widefield technology of the Daytona plus is really beneficial for this age group. Elderly patients can be more prone to ocular problems and the device helps to pick up conditions that can go undetected,” he explains.

"The level of detail is amazing…and we hardly ever have to dilate anyone, which saves a huge amount of time"

Since having the device installed, David recognises that eye conditions and diseases could have been missed before. “By having this latest ultra-widefield technology, this is less likely to be an issue,” he says. The level of detail is amazing – it really takes things to the next level. One thing that I’m really impressed with is that we hardly ever have to dilate anyone, which saves a huge amount of time,” he adds.

Introducing the device

David mentions that, at first, he was concerned about the cost of the device and how customers may react to the £24 price tag for the service. “I have optometrist friends who have already invested in the technology. They are based in more affluent areas, so I wondered if people would pay for the examination as an extra where we are based,” he shares.

However, the response from his patients has been hugely positive. “Many people are happy to pay for the service if it means they are getting a better-quality eye test,” he says.

"Many people are happy to pay for the service if it means they are getting a better quality eye test"

For David, education is a huge factor in determining a patient’s decision to use the Daytona plus. He uses tent cards that are provided by Optos, which he feels are a brilliant way to show patients the benefits of opting for the device as an extra.

“I’m able to show patients photos to help explain the differences between types of equipment – I show views of the eye through an ophthalmoscope, fundus camera and then the view with the Daytona plus,” he says, adding: “Having this printed out on-hand to show the patient helps he explain the need for a wider view of the retina, which usually means they choose the Daytona plus for their examination.”

It speaks for itself

When it comes to promoting the device, David feels that word of mouth from patients is the most effective form of recommendation. “One of the most positive things is that people are learning and sharing information. Patients are recommending us because they are seeing something they haven’t seen before and telling people about it, which is the best kind of advertisement,” he says.

Child having an Optos Daytona scan

During the trial period, the Daytona plus exam was offered to patients free of charge. David explains: “We wanted to get an understanding of customer appetite for the device first – and the feedback was great.”

“Once the device was installed and the demo underway, I didn’t want to let it go. Anyone considering the investment should do the trial. It’s a chance to see what the technology is really like and whether it’s the right fit for your practice,” he concludes.

David Gould Opticians offers a full range of services and specialises in contact lenses and dry eye assessments.

The technology

Only Optos technology provides a 200-degree single capture digital image of the retina – an optomap ultra-widefield image. It has the potential to uncover serious eye issues such as retinal tears or detachments. Other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure can also be seen with a thorough exam of the retina.

An investment in Optos ultra-widefield technology could be your practice differentiator and ultimately build an additional revenue stream. Let us optimise the integration of ultra-widefield into your practice.

Differentiation through:

  • Technological innovation
  • Improved clinical outcomes
  • Increased practice efficiency.

Optos has more than 25 years of experience working with independents to change the way they offer clinical services and retain and attract new patients. By employing the latest technology to improve practice efficiency and differentiate themselves from others on the High Street, independents can adapt and thrive in this evolving sector because they can provide patients with a high-quality service that they will recommend to friends and family. This ultimately boosts business by building additional revenue.

Being able to offer patients a comprehensive eye examination using state-of-the-art technology can add huge value to an optometry business, and there are a growing number of independent optometrists adopting ultra-widefield technology to do just that.

If you would like more information about Optos and its range of ultra-widefield retinal imaging devices, visit the Optos website, telephone 0808 100 4546 or email them.

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