

Advancing smart OCT

Peter Ivins Eye Care on their new ZEISS CIRRUS HD-OCT 5000

With the new scans and clinical assessment tools for the CIRRUS HD-OCT, ZEISS continues to be at the forefront of innovation in OCT technology

Peter Ivins Eye Care in Glasgow have recently upgraded their OCT from a ZEISS CIRRUS 4000 to the new 5000 model. Directors Peter Ivins and Craig McArthur have shared their experiences of how the new features are helping them in everyday practice:

Peter Ivins and Craig McArthur

Smart HD Scan Patterns

“With the new HD Smart Scan patterns on the CIRRUS 5000, our support staff can now easily produce expert-level scans without the need for expert knowledge of anatomy or physiology. By using the centring feature which automatically focuses on the fovea or optic nerve head, staff can produce highly detailed scans which are expertly positioned, without the need for extensive training.”

"The new PanoMapTM report allows us to combine macular and optic nerve scans into a single page report"

Wide-field Structural Assessment

“The new PanoMap™ report allows us to combine macular and optic nerve scans into a single page report. These are also backward compatible through our FORUM Glaucoma Workplace software, meaning that existing data from our previous CIRRUS OCT can still be used. By combining the new Guided Progression Analysis (GPA) feature for the Ganglion Cell Layer with the existing GPA features for cup-to-disc ratio and RNFL, this gives us a hugely powerful diagnostic tool for glaucoma management.”

Full Anterior Chamber Segment

Chamberview OCT image

“The new Anterior Segment module is perhaps the most exciting upgrade. With two simple adaptors to the eyepiece we are now able to capture more detail from the anterior eye than ever before. We use the new Wide Angle-to-Angle and HDAngle scans in conjunction with Goniometry tools, to achieve incredibly detailed views and measurements of the iridocorneal angle, thus offering a non-contact method of assessing patients at risk of angle-closure glaucoma. The Pachymetry Map gives us detailed measurements of corneal thickness across 9mm of the cornea, which is useful in glaucoma screening, refractive surgery screening and can help us to highlight corneal irregularities.” 

FastTrac™ for Eye Tracking

Fastrac diagram

“In a busy practice, capturing and viewing images quickly, easily and accurately is vitally important, particularly if conducted by support staff. FastTrac™ helps to make sure that scans are not ruined by blinks or eye movements – meaning that the scan is right first time, every time, even on difficult patients.

FastTrac™ also ensures that scans are automatically placed in exactly the same spot as the scans from previous visits.

This allow us to improve repeatability of measurements and track any changes over time.”

ZEISS will be showcasing a wide range of diagnostic technology at Optrafair, including the CIRRUS HD-OCT 5000. Live demonstrations will be available on stand F100.

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