

Help your patients go see life through a different lens

At ACUVUE® we are working hard to help the contact lens category recover with a new national media campaign and we’d love to have you involved


COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown presented an unprecedented challenge to everyone this year, including the contact lens category, with fewer new fits and a reduction in wear.1 47% of wearers said they are wearing contact lenses less than before lockdown.2 And with COVID-19 impacting our day-to-day activities, 67% of wearers said their reduced contact lens wear was due to the reduction in usage occasions.2

But as we look forward positively, 79% of wearers said they are likely to return to their normal contact lens wear.2 This is the perfect opportunity to work together to make real change so you can successfully return to pre-COVID 19 wearer levels and protect your database.

Together, we can reignite the contact lens category

Working together, our aim is to attract new, loyal contact lens wearers to your practice with this new campaign backed by national media spend. The campaign encourages people to “go see life through a different lens" - whether your patients are seeking closer connections, exciting new experiences, or simply want to enjoy the freedom of life with crisp clear all-round vision.


Getting involved is easy - we’ve prepared everything you need.

Our team at ACUVUE® have been working hard to make sure that you are equipped with a full suite of digital marketing assets, intended to drive engagement and conversions through a wide range of exciting mediums.

The assets available to you:

- Campaign Videos
- Social Media Assets
- Digital Display Banners for your website


To get involved, simply follow the steps below:

1. Download the materials from our asset library - these include campaign videos, social media content and digital display banners.

2. Decide which assets you would like to use - you can also adapt and target the campaign in a way that suits your business.

3. Launch the assets in store and online - built and ready to share with your potential and existing customers.


Get involved today.


1. UK 6th May 2020 Online Omnibus Survey. N=2000, Contact Lens wearers = 375.
2. UK Covid Omnibus wave 4, Bilendi, 24 Aug 2020.
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