
Specialist Club meetings discuss contact lens practice

Topics covered included managing dry eye and fitting astigmatic presbyopes

specialist club meeting
Over 80 independent practitioners attended two Specialist Club meetings that were hosted by Positive Impact at the Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) National Resource Centre in Birmingham (30 September).

Optometrist and dispensing optician Indie Grewal discussed Successful niche contact lens practice as part of his keynote presentation on day one of the event.

SynergEyes’ Phil Thompson explained how Duette Progressive hybrid contact lenses made fitting easy for astigmatic presbyopes and Lynn White from UltraVision explained fitting soft lenses for keratoconus.

On day two of the event, director of marketing and professional services at Positive Impact, Nick Atkins, gave a presentation on three therapeutic options available to practitioners for better dry eye management: artificial tear solutions, punctal occlusion and Omega 3 supplements.

Ophthalmic surgeon Teifi James gave a presentation on his tips and tricks for managing dry eye, and optometrist and practice owner Craig Wilcox shared The things I wish I’d known before starting a dry eye clinic.

Speaking about the event, Mr Atkins said: “It was refreshing to see so many enthusiastic practitioners over the two days. It is to their and the Specialist Club’s credit that everyone paid to attend the event because of a desire to expand their knowledge base, as well as their scope of practice and before there was any mention of CET point availability.”