

The benefits of OptiExpert

Introducing oxygen profile maps

With nearly 23,500 downloads to date, it’s clear that many eye care professionals already know and love CooperVision’s OptiExpert™ app with its digital Efron Grading Scale and easy-to-use multifocal and toric calculators. Now with added oxygen profile maps, the free, multifunctional app makes selecting a contact lens for your patient even easier.

Introducing oxygen profile maps

We know that conversations about moving contact lens wearers to better materials can be time-consuming.

With the new oxygen profile maps featured within the OptiExpert™ app, eye care professionals can select the relevant contact lens design and prescription to efficiently illustrate oxygen transmissibility of a range of popular products that clearly demonstrates the average Dk/t, along with the product name. The oxygen profile maps feature therefore provides credible clinical support to aid discussions and a clear visual demonstration for your patient to see the health benefit in upgrading from their hydrogel contact lens to a more breathable silicone hydrogel contact lens.

Efron Grading Scale digital tool

The OptiExpert™ app’s original function, a digital version of the Efron Grading Scale, provides a simple reference for grading your patient’s eye condition using a traffic light system against 16 sets of images. In addition, you can store an image of your patient’s eye condition and add notes to build a comprehensive digital patient record.

Multifocal and toric calculators

Accuracy during the fitting process is particularly important for toric and multifocal contact lens wearers. OptiExpert™ is a useful asset in these instances as the multifocal calculator demystifies the lens selection process and incorporates a range of unique fitting guides for specific multifocal contact lenses, whilst the Toric Calculator recommends and evaluates the appropriate diagnostic toric contact lens, taking into consideration back vertex distance and on-eye orientation. It also supports refinement based on practitioner observation of the toric axis location marker. The multifocal and toric calculators are so simple and easy to use that you will find the fitting process much more efficient, reducing chair time and helping ensure the patient experience is as enjoyable and stress-free as possible. The calculators can also be used by front-of-house staff when ordering diagnostic lenses to streamline the process even further.

OptiExpert™ – Putting expertise in your pocket

OptiExpert™ is available on the App Store and Google Play for use on iPhone, iPad, Android mobile and tablet using the password ‘biofinity.’ A web version of the app is also available online.  

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