
Optix helps raise thousands for learning disability charity

£33,000 was raised for SeeAbility at the Optix Annual Conference

school group photo

An impressive £33,000 was raised for learning disability charity SeeAbility at the Optix Annual Conference 2023.

SeeAbility was Optix’s chosen charity for its annual event, which took place at the Celtic Manor Resort from 13–15 March.

The £16,500 raised during a charity appeal on the Tuesday evening (14 March) was matched by Optix managing director, Trevor Rowley, bringing the total raised to £33,000.

Lisa Donaldson, head of eye care and vision at SeeAbility, said that the charity is “incredibly grateful” for the opportunity provided by Optix.

The software company has supported SeeAbility’s work as a facilitator of the Special Schools Eye Care Service, Donaldson said, including around digital records and email reports to schools and parents, which “help everyone understand each child’s visual needs and abilities.”

“The funds raised on the night will allow us to continue our vital work to ensure more people with learning disabilities, who are ten times more likely to have a significant problem with their eyes and yet much likely to access eye care, receive the eye care they need,” Donaldson said.

Grace McGill, a SeeAbility eye care champion, spoke at the event as part of the fundraising effort.

McGill told OT: “The Optix conference was a fantastic opportunity for me to be able to share my experience of the challenges of getting good eye care as a person with a learning disability – and to raise vital funds for the work that SeeAbility is doing to make sure more people get better eye care in the future.”