
Do you know someone with macular disease?

The Macular Society reports that one in three people know someone with macular disease

A child

One in three people will know someone with macular disease, according to the findings of a survey that has been released by the Macular Society.

According to statistics, more people are affected by macular disease in the UK than Alzheimer’s disease, the charity emphasised, adding that many people remain unaware of the condition and its consequences.

Released during Macular Week (25 June–1 July), the Macular Society revealed that only 63% of people surveyed knew of the condition, despite 600,000 people living with it in the UK and 200 people being diagnosed every day.

To coincide with the release of the survey findings, the Macular Society has produced a short film about the sight-threatening condition.

The film follows the journey of a mother who is losing her sight and is struggling to see her son as he grows up.

Chief executive of the Macular Society, Cathy Yelf, said: “People describe losing their sight as being similar to a bereavement and we have seen first-hand the impact it can have on their lives.

“More people are affected by macular disease than they are by Alzheimer’s, yet awareness remains low. With one in three people knowing someone with macular disease, we want to continue to raise awareness so we can keep funding vital research, which will one day lead us to a cure.”

The Macular Society founded Macular Week in 2015.