
Research-raising ball

Charity event will be held to raise finds for research into Stargardt disease

Rose Roberts and Tina Roberts

A charity ball will be hosted next month to raise funds for research into Stargardt disease.

Part of the funds raised by the event, which will be held at The Runnymede Hotel in Egham on 11 March, will be used by the national eye research charity, Fight for Sight, to support specific research into the inherited, sight-threatening condition.

Fight for Sight supporter, Rose Roberts, was diagnosed with Stargardts disease at the age of seven and has lost her central vision as a result. Now at the age of 12, she relies heavily on her peripheral vision, meaning that day-to-day tasks such as reading the board at school can be challenging.

Speaking about Rose’s diagnosis, her mother, Tina Roberts, shared: “It was incredibly hard when we received the news that Rose has an incurable condition. Since her diagnosis, we have supported Fight for Sight, as we believe through funding eye research they will one day find a cure for Rose and many others like her.” 

The charity ball is organised by meetingsclub, a review website for meetings, training, conferences and events. Meetingsclub founder, Alison Jenkins, said: “We were delighted to be able to support such a fantastic charity that is hoping to make a difference. Rose is an incredible young girl and to be able to raise funds to help support eye research and help find a cure for Stargardts is a wonderful thing.”

Guests attending the ball will be entertained by Britain's Got Talent finalist and magician, Jamie Raven and The Patriot Girls from London's West End.

Tickets cost £75 and can be purchased by emailing [email protected].

Read more about Rose’s journey here or watch the video below.