
A future of possibilities

How does your company support those in need?


Charitable initiatives come in all shapes and sizes. Raising money for those in need is something we all participate in at points life, whether that’s a personal challenge or part of a wider scheme.

At school, we used to pay a small fee for the privilege of wearing our own clothes on annual fundraising events such as Red Nose Day or Children in Need. The opportunity to ditch the school uniform and express our identities through the latest fashion trends was one I’m sure some of us might look back at through our fingers.

In adult life, these initiatives continue with baking events at work, fun runs and raffles, for example.

Last month at the AOP, we placed our bets on how many steps a day our head of IT, Jomelle Caburian, could walk throughout March. Jomelle took part in Cancer Research’s Walk all over cancer event with the aim of completing at least 15,000 steps every day. He clocked over 577,000 steps in total and raised over £1000.

This week in optics, OT learned about Orbis UK’s See My Future appeal, which aims to help screen and treat children for sight loss in Nepal.

The appeal aims to raise £850,000, which the charity will use to support the expansion of its project in Nepal that screens and treats children with sight loss in order to help them return to school.

Speaking about the appeal, CEO of Orbis UK, Rebecca Cronin, highlighted: “With a simple eye exam and a pair of glasses, a child’s life can be transformed. Clear sight opens up a future of possibilities – children can return to school, play with their friends and contribute to society, breaking the cycle of poverty.”

Eyewear brand IOLLA pledged its support and will raise awareness through its website and on social media.

Founder of IOLLA, Stefan Hunter, said: “It is important to our values to support sustainable programmes that change lives and Orbis’ crucial work is doing just that. Businesses today have a huge platform and it’s so important that we use that for good.”

OT would like to hear from other eyewear, contact lens or equipment companies, as well as practitioners and practices, that are participating or planning any fundraising activity. Get in touch today by email.

Image credit: Getty
