
Life-long learning

While I reminisce about my school and university days, it’s clear that for optometrists and dispensing opticians the learning never stops


As the kids go back to school and the pitter-patter of little feet running around practices recedes, my mind drifts back to my school days – essays, assessments, final exams and, of course, those long school holidays.

I must admit that while I have taken up many hobbies over the years since after-school clubs disappeared, the amount of time that I have spent back in the classroom to study is limited. 

However, in optometry, education never sleeps. The mandatory CET element of the sector, combined with the ever-evolving profession that offers practitioners the opportunity to specialise and enhance their skills with further certificates in specific conditions, as well as MECS and IP, means that, for most, you never stop studying.

Here at OT, we aim to support your learning month in, month out, with five new CET articles in every edition. Annually, the AOP offers a plethora of CET events up and down the country, from peer discussion and legal roadshows, to Therapeutics London and the Hospital Optometrists Annual Conference, to name a few.

For optometrists, this life-long learning begins as soon as they enrol and university, and I’m sure no one forgets their pre-reg placement and the, perhaps some-what ‘daunting,’ Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) that marks the beginning of life as a fully qualified optometrist.

This year the AOP is providing additional support to those on the edge of qualification by entering into a partnership with the University of Bradford to host a refresher course for pre-regs ahead of the OSCEs.

The one-day event, which will be held at the University of Bradford on 20 June, will provide pre-regs with the opportunity to take part in mock OSCE stations, under exam conditions. They will also receive feedback on their performance afterwards.

For those nearing the end of their pre-reg reading, you are encouraged to book early to secure a place. For those qualified practitioners reading this, don’t forget to log in and take CET with OT regularly – the next five CET articles will be released a week on Friday.