

iStent inject: the microscopic implant for glaucoma

Glaukos discusses its microscopic implant, the iStent inject

Glaukos stents

Incidence of glaucoma

Around 500,000 people in the UK are currently diagnosed with glaucoma, and optometrists have a key role in its identification and treatment. The key opportunity is the identification of glaucoma at an early stage, and allowing the patient to benefit from alternative treatments to eye drops. Establishing effective referral pathways for those diagnosed with mild to moderate glaucoma would ensure they receive the best care possible from early intervention.

Compliance issues with eye drops

At the moment, the majority of patients are currently using eye drops to treat their glaucoma, but the problem of compliance is a major issue. Eye drops need to be used on a daily basis, but many patients find them difficult to administer. If used correctly they can work, but human error, added to side effects such as discomfort, redness and stinging in the eyes, can lead to inaccurate dosage. Many patients are also older, so the issue of forgetting to administer the drops is also a factor in ineffective treatment. Studies show that more than 90% of patients are non-adherent to medications, and nearly 50% stop taking them before six months.1


An alternative – trabecular micro-bypass surgery

Trabecular micro-bypass surgery with iStent inject® involves implanting two small surgical-grade titanium stents designed to bypass the trabecular meshwork, the area of greatest resistance to aqueous humor outflow and therefore designed to increase drainage through Schlemm's canal, thus lowering intraocular pressure.

How iStent inject works

Implanted during cataract surgery or as a separate procedure, the device comprises a hand-held injector designed to implant two 0.36mm heparin-coated titanium stents via a single corneal entry point. It is the first available ab interno, micro bypass system designed to restore the natural physiological out flow through two openings through the trabecular meshwork.2


iStent inject – efficacy

  • Over 500,000 iStent and iStent inject have already been implanted globally3
  • Clinical studies show that patients experience a reduction in reliance on topical glaucoma medications4
  • More than five years of published efficacy and safety data for iStent inject5
  • Over 120 peer reviewed published studies on iStent technologies to date
  • NICE approval granted in 2017.

Glaukos® and iStent inject® are registered trademarks.


  1. Nordstrom BL. Persistence and adherence with topical glaucoma therapy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005; 140:598-596
  2. Neuhann TH. Trabecular micro-bypass stent implantation during small-incision cataract surgery for open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension: Long-term results. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015; 41: 2664-2671
  3. Data on file
  4. Voskanyan L, GarcIa-Feijo O J, Belda J, Fea A, Jünemann A, Baudouin C. Prospective, unmasked evaluation of the iStent inject® System for open-angle glaucoma: Synergy trial. ADV Ther 2014; 31:189-201.
  5. Data on file

For further information, visit the Glaukos website.

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