Face covering
Guidance to ensure patients and visitors wear face coverings at all times, unless clinically impossible to do so
Guidance to ensure patients and visitors wear face coverings at all times, unless clinically impossible to do so
Guidance on providing remote care for patients when a face-to-face appointment is not possible
Information on the COVID-19 vaccine for healthcare staff, including letters for AOP members and staff to produce as evidence they are eligible. Updated 3 February 2021 to include new information on when invited to book your vaccination via a pharmacy
Guidance on managing staff with symptoms
Leaflets, posters and social media images
Guidance from the OC's Domiciliary Eyecare Committee (DEC)
This COVID-19 example risk assessment should be carried out with your staff before you return to routine practice. Updated 10 July 2020
The AOP responds to the Government’s Living with Covid strategy in England
Advice to members about providing sight tests during the coronavirus outbreak, and our editable remote consultation form
Downloadable IP referral form
Guidance on cleaning surfaces and equipment following patient contact
Commonly asked questions and answers about UV-C disinfection
In association with Optometry Today (OT) and supported by Johnson & Johnson Vision
The PPE you need when conducting urgent eye care, guidance on facemasks, and the order in which to put on and take off PPE
Wholesale suppliers of PPE to other professions