

Our defence package protects your interests, reputation and right to practise

Optometrists at work

We represent our members through our in-house team of optical clinicians and lawyers, to provide you with unparalleled expertise. As a member, we will assist, advise and represent you in relation to your practice in a range of areas, including:

  • Representation at GOC hearings
  • Investigations instigated by the NHS
  • Internal employment hearings

Our legal team is your first port of call for enquiries relating to your professional practice and conduct.

Legal advice line for non-optometry issues

You can also access our free legal advice line 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for all legal enquiries not necessarily related to your work. The advice line can assist you with things like neighbour disputes, landlord and tenant issues, intellectual property queries, criminal enquiries and a lot more.

Call 0345 217 3151 and remember to quote your membership number.