
AOP launches domiciliary eye care patient leaflet

Elderly man with optometrist

The Association of Optometrists (AOP) has published a new patient leaflet to help people better understand eye care at home. It is aimed at patients who cannot get to a High Street optician on their own because of a mental or physical disability.

The AOP’s Domiciliary eye care leaflet is designed to help patients understand what happens during a sight test at home and how to find an optometrist who provides domiciliary eye care. It also includes an explanation of who is eligible for NHS-funded sight tests and help towards the cost of their glasses.

All of the AOP’s patient leaflets have been awarded the Crystal Mark from the Plain English Campaign, which means it is accessible and easy to understand.

There are 28 patient leaflets available for anyone to download on the AOP website, regardless of whether they are a member. The full range can be found online at along with blogs, videos and other patient-facing eye care resources.


For media enquiries, please contact Mary Jones, Interim PR and Media Manager, at the Association of Optometrists, [email protected] or telephone 020 7549 2040.

Notes to Editors

Association of Optometrists

The Association of Optometrists (AOP) is the leading representative membership organisation for optometrists in the UK. We support over 82% of practising optometrists, to fulfil their professional roles to protect the nation’s eye health. For more information, visit