
Latest PSA review of GOC performance report published

The GOC has met all PSA Standards of Good Regulation for a second year

The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) has published its review of the General Optical Council’s (GOC) performance in 2022-2023. For the second year in a row, the GOC has met all 18 of the PSA’s Standards of Good Regulation.

Responding to the report, Scott Shadbolt Head of professional discipline at the AOP said: “It is positive that the GOC have complied with the Standards of Good Regulation set by their regulator, the PSA, for the second year in a row. Notwithstanding that compliance however, there are still areas in which the GOC could and should improve.

“Over the past year the AOP have raised concerns with the GOC in respect of a number of issues including the publication of fitness to practise decisions in error and how the Alternative Panel Disposal policy has been applied. Whilst it is acknowledged that policy and procedures are in place, it is troubling that the GOC do not follow or comply with them on occasion. It is also concerning that in both instances the GOC were alerted to the relevant issues by an external party.

“We look forward to working with the GOC over the course of the next 12 months in order to further improve its performance and to ensure that investigations regarding members are conducted quickly and fairly. This will include engaging with the GOC’s FTP Improvement Programme as far as possible in addition to continuing to raise issues and concerns that impact members to the attention of the GOC whenever necessary”.

The full report can be viewed on the PSA’s website.