
When is the right time for cataract surgery?

“The time for surgery is when a patient has symptoms”

Moorfields Eye Hospital

Consultant ophthalmic surgeon at Moorfields Private Eye Hospital, Badrul Hussain, told OT that the right time for cataract surgery is determined by a patient’s lifestyle.

“The time for surgery is when a patient has symptoms. For some people, that may be at a point when a cataract is quite mild. Their visual acuity on a Snellen or LogMAR chart may actually be good but the impact it is having on their lifestyle is huge,” he said.

Speaking to OT, Mr Hussain shared his experience of treating a patient who needed cataract surgery because they drove for a living and felt dangerous driving whenever the sun was low. 

Badrul Hussain shares insight into when the right time for cataract surgery is