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  3. About
  4. Membership
  5. Declaration

Our student and pre-registration membership is a free membership grade available to all students on a recognised UK course leading to a degree in optometry.

To be eligible you must be registered as an optometry student with the General Optical Council (GOC) and provide a UK address. Once registered access to our member benefits is provided including our extensive range of CPD, online education library, our Optometry Today journal in print and online, along with support from our in-house specialist legal teams who can assist with GOC matters and employment matters such as pre-reg contract checks.

Qualified dispensing opticians (DOs) who are on a recognised UK course leading to a degree in optometry are covered under this grade for their optometry work only.

1. About your course

Dispensing Optician

If you are a qualified dispensing optician on a recognised UK course leading to a degree in optometry any work you undertake as a dispensing optician is excluded from your student membership. If you required medical malpractice insurance as part of your cover you must join as a dispensing optician member at www.aop.org.uk/join

1. Create an account

Please provide the details below to create your My AOP account. This will allow you to save your application and complete it later, if you should need to. Once your membership application has been completed you can use these details to log into the AOP website to view the content, including CET activity, undertake your annual membership renewal and join the conversations on our optometry community forum.

Account details

Complete your log in details
The Title field is required
Your password must contain a combination of seven characters, including alpha numeric, uppercase and at least one character from !@#$&*

GOC details


By clicking on 'Create account and continue', you agree to our membership terms and conditions and are aware of our privacy policy.

Data protection

The data collected will only be used to maintain membership records and, in accordance with our membership terms and conditions, we will only send members information relevant to them on membership, professional practise, products and services. Personal details will be held on computerised and paper-based systems.